The Art of Networking with The Arena - Pickle Chats

We met Lauren, Ben and Dom from The Arena way back in 2020 when we were both starting out on our creative journeys. We created a print to celebrate them reaching 1000 followers and the online friendship blossomed from there. They are networking powerhouses and we can’t believe it’s taken this long to get them on the blog!

  1. What is ‘The Arena’? 

Good question! And surprisingly not one we’re asked that often…The Arena, before it actually came to life as a platform and creative community, was an idea to connect emerging creatives as they set foot into the world of work and to try and bust industry myths. The actual inspiration for the name originally came from a Brené Brown classic 'Daring Greatly' (which sidenote: we highly recommend), where she references a Theodore Roosevelt quote all about embracing vulnerability and failure together, in The Arena. This really struck a chord with us, and made total sense to name what was once called ‘The Big Idea’, ‘The Arena’. 

Over the last couple of years we've been interviewing some of the most incredible creatives, sharing their stories to inspire others, offering practical advice on all things portfolios, confidence and mental health and running a UK-wide mentoring scheme to really make experiences and opportunities for growth happen.

2. What have been the best decisions you’ve made to get to where you are today?

I think Dom and I would both agree that moving on from our most recent jobs this time last year was a game changer and one we both mulled over for far too long. It wasn’t an easy thing to do but taking that risk has massively paid off for us both. Of course, starting The Arena too, the doors this has opened and things it has taught us is definitely far beyond what we’d have ever imagined. Aside from those fairly major life moves, we’d say actively leaning into the things we’re bad at and saying yes (as much as is humanly possible!).

3. As a JOB HUNTING or FREELANCE creative, how can you find/create opportunities? 

In terms of how to find them - get your butt on LinkedIn, show up to events, connect with great recruiters (DM for recommendations, we’ve got plenty), follow up on every conversation and get out your favourite shovel to do some digging! The majority of job vacancies never make it onto the internet, so a well-timed email to a company you admire with a tidy looking CV / folio / website is always what we’d recommend spending your energy on. The same goes for freelance commissions. Most art directors would rather not scour the internet every time they need to find an illustrator, so go to them. The timing might not be right, but they’ll be familiar with your work next time they’ve got a job up for grabs.

When it comes to creating them, the end result you’re after is to a) build your network and b) build your experience. So channel the things you’re passionate about and use that as an excuse to connect with people (e.g. a book club for those who are bonkers about branding). Whilst you’re at it, create a brand for the book club, design a website, curate a social platform with beaut content to promote it and show off your creative skills at the same time. Bish bash bosh, you’ve got a slick new portfolio project and a bunch of new industry pals.

“…get your butt on LinkedIn, show up to events, connect with great recruiters, follow up on every conversation and get out your favourite shovel to do some digging!”

4. What are your top tips for Networking in general?

  • Embracing the ethos of “What’s the worst that could happen?” and reminding yourself that the majority of people are just as nervous as you are. You’d be surprised at how effective just saying “ah f*ck it” to yourself and giving it a go works.

  • Remembering conversations are like ping pong…don’t slide into the DMs with a 1000 word essay. Send a short and sweet friendly conversation starter and bat it back and forth from there!

  • Network in the environment that works for you. Not all of us can work the room (at least not sober, anyway), but you don’t have to. If you’re more confident online, then start with that. If you heard someone new interviewed on your fave podcast, drop them a message and let them know how useful you found it. 

5. You offer a great Mentoring scheme, what are the top questions/concerns mentees have?

Gee thanks! This might come as a surprise, because we often think we’re alone in feeling this way, but a lack of creative confidence is by far the most common concern mentees come to us with. So if you’re feeling like you’re struggling with self-doubt, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. It’s crazy just how common this is and the impact it can have on people, which is why a big part of the scheme is about ensuring emerging creatives feel heard and leave feeling like they have someone in their corner cheering them on, because we all need that. Running the scheme has definitely reconfirmed for us the need to have a space like this for honesty and less of the Insta-perfect BS.

Second to that would most likely be how to get their foot in the door and lock down that first job or freelance project. It’s not easy stuff, but that’s why we’re chuffed to have such a stellar selection of mentors able to offer their advice! 

“Running the scheme has definitely reconfirmed for us the need to have a space like this for honesty and less of the Insta-perfect BS.”

6. How can you sign up to be a mentor or mentee?

All the deets can be found on our website! Don’t hang about though, applications for our Spring ‘22 cohort close on Friday 25th March and mentors can apply all year round. We’ve been inundated with interest from industry pros, which is truly mind-boggling, but says a lot and the shared desire to help the next gen of talent coming through.

7. What are The Arena’s 2022 goals and where do you see The Arena going in the future?

We love a good manifestation question. We’re really excited about doing some events in the real world soon. Plus some ideas in the pipeline to take our mentors on tour, visiting schools, sixth form and colleges to shatter that illusion about what a creative career really is and instill some of that much-needed creative confidence way earlier on. For us personally, we’d like to create a more sustainable balance between our ‘day jobs’ and running The Arena, so that we can keep pushing it further and put more time into helping others.

That should keep us pretty busy…but with any remaining free time, we’d love to drop some super cool Arena merch, created as a big ass collaboration with the community and good eggs we’ve been lucky enough to meet and call friends!

Make sure to follow The Arena on instagram for all their fab creative community content as well as their website where you can sign up to their great mentoring scheme ( as a mentor or mentee!). Thanks for chatting with us Lauren, Dom and Ben!


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